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9 июня состоялась прессконференция нового фотобука "A WEEK HOLIDAY".
Статья Pingbook - перевод на английскийWhat do you feel about the photobook promotion for the first time in Thailand and Korea?
Yunho : We're very happy since the photobook will go on sale on the same day in Korea and Thailand. It'll be a special occasion so we're very happy and excited.
What is the concept of the photobook and its sales promotion?
Junsu : It'll be on sale in Korea and Thailand at the beginning of July. As for the concept, there are two main concepts. One is us in a majestic, natural surrounding, the other is us on a camping trip - like you coming with us on any normal camping trip. And as a sales promotion, there'll be 5 extra photos in the Thai version, as a gift for Thai fans!
Which location did you like best?
Yunho : It's the masterpiece taken in the Grand Canyons - it was really steep and we were all kind of scared. But the photograph came out nicely, with us fitting really well in the scenery. We really love this picture.
Jae Joong: This one (pointing at the photograph)
Changmin : We had some problems during the photoshoot - the weather was really hot. We were taking pictures in the arid areas of the USA, it was so sunny we got sunburnt! And we were sweating all the time. But it wasn't really an obstacle.
Any exciting experience?
Yuchun : When we were taking pictures in the desert, we went to a family restaurant where they play live Western music in cowboy costumes. They asked if any of us could play the drums and we told them Yunho could. So he joined in and it was really fun!
During this photoshoot, did you discover anything new and charming about the band members?
Jae Joong : At first we were a bit worried 'coz we might not measure up to (compliment?) the beautiful, natural scenery. However, we didn't do too bad. Changmin and Junsu, both are younger than me but they displayed their masculinity openly - in their facial exprеssions, postures and figures. They were physically fit before we left for this photoshoot. I was impressed.
Is there any chance of making a photobook in Thailand?
Jae Joong : Of course! We would really love to do one. We love Thailand. Plus there are many possibilities such as natural scenery or Bangkok's metropolitan vibrance. If we have the chance, we will do a photoshoot in Thailand for sure.
Having made donations to charity organizations in Thailand - how do you feel about it?
Yunho : We put up the accessories we wore during our photoshoots for auction, with the proceeds going to GREEN PEACE and Home for Children with Disabilities (Baan Nontapum). At first we didn't think we'd be able to raise so much money, so we feel Thais are very charitable. We'd like our Thai fans to continue doing more charity work with us.
What would you like to say to the media, executives and Thai fans who have been here since last night (in preparation for this event)?
Yuchun : Thank you to all of you executives, media and Thai fans. Since our debut we have received so much love, sometimes we doubt if we're worthy of such love. But we now know for sure we want to do our best in return for your love. We will continue to work harder, please support us and love us always.
2008 TVXQ! PHOTOBOOK "A WEEK HOLIDAY" will be on sale this July. Dong Bang Shin Gi fans can pre-order Thailand's special edition with 5 extra photographs and video clip at www.4nologue.com or get more information by e-mailing Info@4nologue.com. You can also check out promotional updates and news about Dong Bang Shin Gi in this website.
Special Thanks: 4NOLOGUE
Credits to www.pingbook.com
Translation credits: srisin@TVfXQ Forever / srisin@soompi
upd: Фото с прессконференции: ДжеДжунг с огромным букетом, ЧангМин в шляпе, Ючон в очках... и т.д.))
Количество фотографий: 57
Размер архива: 11 Mb
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Credit: as tagged (pingbook), zip upload by nirnaeth @ LJ
Видео с прессконферениции на ютубе:
Трёхминутное видео, в котором собранно несколько репортажей из тайских новостей о прессконференции. омг, очки ДжунСу в Гранд Каньоне xD
Новости канала 9 с английскими сабами
8 июня состоялся YAMAHA and TVXQ! WORLD : The Raising Challenge Event - вечер с тай-фанами.
Перевод на английскийWhat do you think of "YAMAHA and TVXQ! WORLD : The Raising Challenge"?
Yunho : It's so nice to have such an big event organized for us, and we can really feel our fans' love. We're truly grateful for our fans' support since it's the very thing that got us (Dong Bang Shin Gi) here today.
How did you feel signing your autographs for Thai fans just now?
Junsu : It felt great! It has been a long time since we met our Thai fans at close range - we had eye contact and Thai girls are very beautiful.
How special are the items you put up for today's auction?
Yuchun : The items are accessories we wore when shooting pictures for photobooks. We like them and knowing that the proceeds will go to charity makes us feel good.
When you travel abroad, what do you do?
JaeJoong : Most of the time we talk, play and listen to music.
Yuchun : Normally, if we have free time, we'd focus on exercising and staying in shape.
If you had free time, where would you like to go most?
Yunho : Thailand for sure. So far, we've been coming here to work, so we'd like to go to Phuket and really have a holiday, all 5 of us.
Yuchun : Ah... and ride YAMAHA motorcycles touring all of Thailand!
We heard Jae Joong likes spicy foods, has he tried "prik-kee-noo" (Bird's Eye Chilli)?
Jae Joong : Yes, when we were shooting the commercial, there was a part where we were eating Thai food "som tam". That was when I got a taste of hot Thai food.
Last time Micky learned and used the term "phao" (burn). This time have you learnt any new Thai word?
Yuchun : "kod kan noi" "jub mue kan noi" (SCREAM!!!)
"kod kan noi" = let's hug
"jub mue kan noi" = let's hold hands
No wonder Micky won so many hearts this time ^^
After 'O'-Jung.Ban.Hab (in 2006), when are you going to release your next Korean album?
Changmin : We're now recording our new (Korean) album. We're putting a lot of effort in this 4th album and fans can look forward to it in autumn (September-October).
Let's play a game: There is one slice of cake on the table, you choose to eat
1) strawberries 2) plastic decorations 3) sugar/icing decorations 4) chocolate 5) wafer?
Junsu : Chocolate
Yuchun : Strawberies
Jae Joong : Strawberries
Changmin : Wafer
Yunho : Chocolate
After Dong Bang Shin Gi members made their choices, Cassiopeians sang Yuchun a be-lated (4th June) birthday song in Korean. Then YAMAHA executives brought out the birthday cake for Yuchun to blow the candles. This totally moved Yuchun who almost couldn't hold back his tears. And then, of course, Jae Joong pasted a bit of cream on Yuchun's cheeks - that brought out plenty of cheering from the fans!
Back to our game.
Yuchun and Jae Joong chose strawberries - very ethical, and will make no mistakes (or will do no wrong), whatever the situation
Junsu and Yunho chose chocolate - reasonable, strong sense of leadership, loves to control various aspects of things
Changmin chose wafer - romantic, and dreams of a happy marriage
After the game was presenting the auction proceeds, totalling 1,269,000 baht, to GREEN PEACE and Home for Children with Disabilities (Baan Nontapum).
Finally, Dong Bang Shin Gi members took photographs with YAMAHA executives and representatives of the two charity organizations. Before leaving the stage, Yunho said "Today we're really, really happy, because so many fans came to welcome us and we'd love to have more events like this in the future .... Your love has truly impressed me. I love you. (in Thai)"
Tomorrow, don't miss the very first opening of the new TVXQ! PHOTOBOOK, to be reported by PINGBOOK!!
Special Thanks: YAMAHA, 4NOLOGUE
Source Article: PINGBOOK
Translation credits: srisin@TVfXQ Forever / srisin@soompi
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